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Picnic with the Chief

On July 19th, 2023 Poway Fire Chief Jeff Chumbley led a presentation on wildfire preparedness with over 100 community members in attendance. Chief Chumbley’s focus was on the steps being taken in the region to prepare for wildfire. He noted that both the City and the region are far more prepared now compared to 2003 and 2007. He also commented on the strong relationships between the City of Poway, the City of San Diego, the County of San Diego, and CAL FIRE that ensure a coordinated response to wildfires in the region. 

Other presenters includes Deputy Fire Marshal Andy Loperena discussing defensible space, Wayne Sorensen discussing home hardening, and United Policyholders Deputy Executive Director Valerie Brown discusisng homeowners insurance in the very high fire hazard severity zone. The presentation slides are available for review below. 

Homeowners in the very high fire hazard severity zone are subject to the State of California’s minimum requirements for defensible space which includes thinning and trimming brush within 100′ of a habitable structure. Others in the City may be subject to Poway’s defensible space program which requires the cutting of highly flammable brush within 100′ of a habitable structure. Homeowners with questions regarding defensible space requirements are encouraged to contact the Poway Fire Department at 858-668-4460 and are reminded that brush clearing permits may  be required prior to completing defensible space work. 

United Policyholders is a nonprofit organization that helps insurance consumers before and after disasters. Learn more at 

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