Saturday March 16th | 9AM-3PM | Poway City Council Chambers | 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway CA 92064
Last Chance Survival Simulation Workshop
Presented by the Regional Fire Safe Council in coordination with the Poway Neighborhood Emergency Corps & Fire Safe Council, CAL FIRE, and the Bureau of Land Management.
Register for this free workshop with the San Diego Regional Fire Safe Council
What should you do if you find yourself in a scenario where you cannot evacuate? What is the most informed decision you can make?
Learn from experts in the field about wildfire entrapments and human survival in the wildland fire environment. Some topics covered include recognition primed decision-making, open-source fire intelligence, contingency planning, and other practices that may enhance the likelihood of surviving in a fire entrapment scenario.
The Last Chance Survival Simulation Workshop curriculum expands on “Ready, Set, Go”, a widely accepted statewide standard for wildfire preparation and the “Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface” workshop. This workshop was developed to help navigate the infinite variabilities of a wildland fire scenario and to be prepared if evacuation isn’t an option.
This day-long workshop starts in the classroom, where students learn through case studies what variables and choices to consider when in a wildland fire entrapment scenario. Next, the workshop focuses on the nervous system’s response to stress and planning models. As the workshop moves into the afternoon, we head out to the field where participants interact with the planning model “PACE”, examining how the effects of time, topography, fire behavior, and psychology compound and complicate survival.