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Watch the KUSI Segment with PNEC’s Terri Sorenson on Emergency Preparation

Watch the KUSI Segment with PNEC’s Terri Sorenson on Emergency Preparation

POWAY (KUSI) – Preparation for an emergency starts well before tragedy strikes, and there’s a group in Poway that’s organizing critical plans and educating their community ahead of a disaster.

The mission behind the Poway Neighborhood Emergency Corp is to make sure residents are informed and aware if tragedy were to strike in their backyard. President Terri Sorensen has turned her home into a hub for emergency preparedness.

“It certainly isn’t just me it’s a group of concerned citizens who have either been through something or don’t want anyone else to go through it,” Sorensen said. “Or they are just interested in getting that information out to people who are in the city.”

The PNEC was created back in 2011 and became a non-profit in 20-17. They divide the city into 16 neighborhoods and assign one person to lead as the main coordinator.

“We ask them to put a flag up in their neighborhood and hopefully they’ve been connecting with their neighbors and this says this is the person to come to should anything bad happen,” Sorensen said. “We wanted to provide education. That’s our main mission and to help residents understand what the hazards are in this area and how to prepare for them if something should happen.”

She tells residents in her area and beyond to have an emergency plan in place and practice to ensure they are ready for anything. If you want to learn more about PNEC you can contact Sorensen at 858-688-3061 or visit

The group meets every other month and is always looking to recruit volunteers. Visit their website if you’re interested in getting involved.

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